Smallpox Threat - Author Explores the Risks in Medical Thriller - Sledgehammer
Released on = July 27, 2006, 8:25 pm
Press Release Author = Diana Ennen
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Dr. Paulo Reyes believes there truly is a danger of a potential terrorism attack where smallpox could be used as a weapon against us.
Press Release Body = Los Angeles, CA, (July 2006) Dr. Paulo Reyes knows firsthand about life in the emergency room. Born in San Joaquin Valley, he's a practicing Emergency Room doctor in Los Angeles with 25 years experience in ER medicine and internal medicine and a first responder for one of the busiest cities in California. That's why when he decided to write a book about a smallpox threat in a California ER, it was a natural fit.
The book, Sledgehammer (ISBN #097713870-4, Virtual Word Publishing) is a gripping medical thriller about a terrorist who comes into a Los Angeles ER with symptoms of smallpox. Plans are for terrorists to spread the particularly aggressive form of smallpox; Sledgehammer Smallpox, into several sports arenas, airports and shopping malls to maximize its deadly effects.
In Sledgehammer, the lead character, Max Kroose, an intuitive ER physician who suspects the bioterrorism plot but is faced with convincing the hospital administration and the public health care system about the presence of this deadly disease and the need to vaccinate the American public. It's a page turning, "stay-up-all-night and finish it" book that has received numerous 5 star reviews including those from Midwest Review, Heartland Review and American Reporter. In fact, Joe Shea of the American Reporter states, "Sledgehammer\" is a gripping, powerful portrait of an American emergency room physician encountering the \"index\" case of a national bioterrorist attack by Islamic terrorists . It is probably the best bio-warfare thriller of the dozen-odd I\'ve read in the past 10 years."
In reality, how big a threat is smallpox? Dr. Reyes believes there exists a real danger today, especially with the rising tensions in the Middle East and the fear of biochemical threats from terrorists. Dr. Reyes supports voluntary vaccinations to protect us from smallpox bioterrorist attacks and his website offers current news and updates on smallpox and other events,
Dr. Reyes has also authored Health-Care Reform or Redistribution of Cost? Reyes has also participated in various disaster relief efforts in California including the Mexicana crash in 1986, the last major earthquake in L.A. in 1994 and the influenza epidemic 1997-1998.
For those looking for a thriller for their summer time reading, stop by Reyes' site at and catch the summer savings of his book for only $9.95. Also, available at Amazon and leading online bookstores.
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Contact Details = Diana Ennen 954-971-4025
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